Sunday, May 6, 2012

 Magazines are a big part of the male gaze and sexual objectification too.  In magazine covers advertised towards women, such as a cover of Cosmopolitan magazine, the male gaze is prominent portrays the perfect woman with airbrushed skin, hair being blown back, deep plunging neckline to reveal a well-endowed yet photo shopped chest, a short dress or bottoms to reveal the cover girl’s “perfect” photo shopped   legs and/or bottom, and of course articles about sex and sexuality. Most magazine covers resemble this with the cover girls all looking perfect, all are wearing something revealing and they all talk about sex. These magazines all have articles about fashion, makeup, hair, what to do and how to act when you’re in bed, they all tell you the same thing, which is what society perceives females to be in the eyes of men.

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